Let's Build Your Teaching & Leading Confidence—with a Language Lens®

Your path to stronger teaching and leadership starts here—offering expert-designed learning programs that supports both you and your multilingual learners, fostering growth and impact on your schedule.

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Explore our professional learning experiences—all designed to strengthen your impact on English learners (and all learners)!

Find Clarity, Strengthen Instruction and Support Every Student—Your Way.

— Carly Hertel, Principal

"I have thoroughly enjoyed the Confianza sessions. I love the hands on approach and practical and useful advice!"

— Sheila Fabiano, Teacher

"I have seen an immediate shift in mindset as well as a sustainable shift in the way our teachers backwards plan.”

Jump in With Our Professional Learning Programs:


Gain insights to elevate practices for multilingual learners and leadership, trusted by educators worldwide.

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Self-paced workshops with ready-to-use tools and real-world examples—designed to boost your skills in language and literacy.

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Actionable and flexible, learn at your own pace to deepen teaching and leadership practices for language learners.

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Dive Deeper with Our Signature Programs:

Elevate Instruction through the Lens of Academic Language

Educate and lead with instructional confidence—starting with your English learners—using our all-in-one hub with exclusive, live member support.

Explore the Academy

the language lens® academy

Lead Your Team with Clarity & Confidence

Turn professional learning into sustainable, high-quality instruction—with Confianza as your expert guide on the side—because high-quality instruction starts with confident leadership.

More About the Roadmap

professional learning roadmap

Accelerate Your Instructional Support

Ensure that all students—starting with multilingual learners—have access to grade-level standards, whether you're a teacher leader, coach or evaulator.

See What's Inside

coach training program

Looking for More In-Depth Support for Your School?

Explore tailored coaching, diagnostics and schoolwide solutions to drive lasting impact, starting with your English learners.

Take a Look

Customized Services

"Run, don't walk to learn wtih Confianza. I have been able to anticipate tricky spots and I am now able to be much more proactive." 

 — Anne Bianchini, Teacher

"I now have a toolbox of best practices to address the needs of our students and guide our teaching staff. I highly recommend and look forward to future professional learning provided by Confianza."

— Shannon Hayes, Coordinator

“Imagine a learning environment where all students are successful; that’s what Confianza promotes, outshining all others."

— Melissa Kendal, Instructional Leader 

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